The Educational Foundation for Gamma Eta provides opportunities for college students to gain leadership experience and provides housing to college students who are members of the Delta Tau Delta Fraternity at The George Washington University. Scholarships are paid to students for exemplary performance.
Chapter History
The chapter was founded on May 9th, 1904 at the Columbian University (later renamed The George Washington University). The students who founded Gamma Eta were very active with the University at the time. Much credit is due to Lee F. Warner, Beta Eta 1903 (Minnesota), who while attending Law School at the Columbian University was instrumental in establishing the Gamma Eta chapter. Other founders of the chapter included Alexander B. Bielaski, who later achieved professional success as the last Director of the Bureau of Investigation and fraternal success as the 12th International President of the Fraternity and Chairman of the National Interfraternity Conference, as well as Frank Hemmick who was the first Editor-in-Chief of the Hatchet and later became an early editor of The Rainbow. Another instrumental early leader of the chapter was Rhesa Norris 1914 whose bequest established the Rhesa Norris Scholarship which is still awarded each year.
The first Gamma Eta Shelter at 1410 Q Street, NW

Quickly, however, after their founding, the chapter moved to their second location here at 1700 15th Street, NW.

First Floor of Early Gamma Eta Shelter

Chapter Hall and Dining Room of Early Gamma Eta Shelter
The June 1903 issue of The Rainbow accounts the installation banquet and the culture of the Columbian University at the time and the June 1903 and November 1904 issues document the early successes of the chapter and the transition to The George Washington University.

Gamma Eta Shelter in 1942 (1832 16th Street, NW)
While the chapter had a brief hiatus during WWII, by 1953 the chapter was reinvigorated and celebrating it’s Golden Jubilee

Gamma Eta Shelter in 1955 (19th & G Street, NW – Present Site of the IMF)

Inside the Gamma Eta Shelter in 1955

Alumni Leadership with Supreme Court Justice & International President Tom C. Clark
While the chapter saw a dip in membership in the early 1990s by the mid-1990s the chapter was booming again. In 1997 the chapter won its first and only Court of Honor Award for Chapter Excellence. During most of the later part of the 20th century the chapter resided on G Street.

2020 G Street
Then in 2005 Delta Tau Delta took another brief hiatus from Foggy Bottom but returned the Fall of 2008 stronger and larger than ever. On January 20th, 2010 the Gamma Eta Chapter was rechartered.

Then International Secretary Jim Garboden with Chapter President Patrick J. Cox
While the chapter has moved around Washington over the past 100+ years, the Gamma Eta Chapter of Delta Tau Delta is still recognized as a leader at The George Washington University.

Current Gamma Eta Shelter at 526 22nd Street, NW